Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm living here...

That's what I said to myself while walking down the street today.  I went to the CIEE Office for class---by myself---today for the first time.  My host dad has been accompanying me so that I know where I am going, which is very nice of him.  He would also meet me at the office when the class ended and walk back with me to the house.  I knew my way around, so, I worked up the courage to tell my host parents that I can do it by myself now! When I got back to the house from class...with no host mom said that I'm a big girl now! hahahaha! 

Today, in the morning, I went to Valparaiso, via la micro, which is a mode of public transportation that I will be using.  It's basically a bus.  We went to the University there and had orientation with all of the international students and boy were there a lot!  More than 150 I think.  I'm horrible with estimating numbers of people....but that's my guess.  They also had some dancers and musicians come in to welcome us with a performance.  Here are some pictures and some clips!  I hope the videos work!

La Cueca, Chile's national dance...there are many different types of this dance.  My host mom said that she was going to teach me how to dance this--she already gave me my handkerchief! hahaha (I'll probably learn a more traditional type of La Cueca.)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Here's my Chilean address:

Diane Hawke
Calle Viana No 253 - Depto. 42
Edif. Ipanema - B
Viña del Mar

Monday, July 26, 2010

en casa!

Hello friends and family!

Here I am, sitting in my room, in my apartment, with my Chilean family in the other room. :) I live with an older cute couple.  They are more like younger grandparents. :)  They welcomed me with open arms and huge smiles.  I was so excited to meet them just as they were excited to meet me.  Being in Mexico for two months has realllllly prepared me for living with a host family here...especially with the whole Spanish 24/7 thing.  Chilean Spanish is easier than I thought it would be, but I'm still learning a ton, and there are also still many times where I just nod and smile...nod and smile. hehe

It's cold here and there's no central that means no heat inside buildings.  It's not horrible though.  Right now it's about 62 degrees Fahrenheit in my room about now...if my travel alarm clock is correct, which it might not be.  Last night I was very warm in my bed, under 6 blankets...and boy were they heavy. There was one point during the night that I was too hot!  I turned back the covers, felt the very cold air, and pulled them right back over me.  Much rather be toasty than freezing.  I don't think warm showers have ever felt so good either.

Here are some pictures that I've taken so far....

view from the plane with the Andes to the left

another view of the Andes     
Driving through Valparaiso (picture taken from the bus)
Vina del Mar (not the best picture, but it's all I have so far)
Part of my Chilean family.  The two cuties on the right are my host's just us three in the house. :)
there was sun today! I even got a little warm walking around! It's interesting how there are palm trees...but it's cold!
Cool Chilean flower! and no one knows what it's called!
a budding magnolia tree! horaaaaay!
Meet my friend, Melissa, she's another student from CIEE!

I love you all!  Thank you for your prayers....I feel them so close! :D

With tons of love,

La Diana

Friday, July 23, 2010

Ya llegamos!

"We're here!"

I got to Santiago around 10:30am and arrived in our hotel (Best Western) in Valparaiso around 12:30pm.  It's chillly here!  Right now I'm sitting in the hotel lobby and I'm wearing a sweater, my rain jacket, and a scarf....and I should probably be wearing more!  No central heating is well, interesting.  We'll see how it is at night, eh?

On my 10 and half hour plane ride from Toronto to Santiago I sat next to the sweetest Chilean lady who was coming home from visiting her daughter who lives in Canada.  One great thing was that we only spoke Spanish, and I understood everything she was a great practice and encouragement before stepping foot off the plane.  She also led me through the airport in Santiago and gave me her email!  What a cutie!  Her name was Marcia.

We just ate lunch at 2pm...we had "salad" which consisted of lettuce, corn, peas, tomatoes, and artichokes?  separated on a plate and bread.  Then came the pesto pasta and finished up a yummy bowl of fruit for dessert.

It's pouring now right outside and it's cold!  So weird coming from can't-even-breath-it's-so-humid Chicago!

Well, I just wanted to let you all know that I am safe and already meeting lots of people!

Los quiero tanto!


Thursday, July 22, 2010 voy a Chile!

"Today...I go to Chile!"

Hello everybody!'s the big day I guess.  Am I nervous? No.  Am I excited? I guess.  Am I ready? Yes.  I have been preparing and planning for this day since I started college searching!  The question I would ask during a college visit was: Do you have good study abroad programs?  Can I study abroad for a year if I double major? Etc....  And now, with the help of people at Hope, family, friends, and of course the gracious God, this dream is coming true!

My flight leaves O'hare at 7:25pm and arrives in Toronto around 10pm (Toronto time)...then at 11:40pm I leave Toronto for Santiago, Chile!  I arrive at 10:10am and then ride to Vina del Mar/Valparaiso!  So....I've packed plenty of things to do while I'm in the air a total of 12 hours! hehehe! Plus...I can always "sleep" or at least try to.

I finished all my packing two days ago and so this morning I had to shove some last minute things in my bags....I'm glad I got that done early though.  Word of advice:  If you are going somewhere for a long period of time, pack early!  It makes the process much less stressful!  Packing for a year was difficult, but, not as hard as I thought.  I can buy a lot of things in Chile, so I didn't need a year supply of shampoo or anything like that.  If you're wondering, I'm bringing two duffel suitcases and then for carry-on a backpack, a big purse, and a plastic bag stuffed with things. hehehe!

Well, I don't want you to have to read too much gibberish, so, on that note, I sign off.  The next time I will be writing from Chile! WOOOOOO!

