Monday, June 13, 2011

slow motion

Last time I wrote a blog was less than a month is relatively not that long ago, but it seems like a long time ago!  So much has happened in these past few weeks that the time as stretched!  I now have 37 days left here in Chile...and before I would have freaked out and thought..."WHAT?! ONLY 37 DAYS!?"...but now, I have so much more peace about it all.  Now I'm thinking, "37 days....okay....what's next on my planner!? hahha!"  Hay que aprovechar!  I have to live it up here and the time I have left!

The students at my university here are on not having classes for a week and a half....and possibly not having classes for two more weeks is most definitely helping with the time.  It kind of stinks not going to class and all, but I still have to do my work and submit my work online.  I'm also meeting with my professor of my Sea Community Ecology class and he is teaching the classes just to me.  So that's good.  I'm not really sure why they're on strike, but I do know that it has a lot of governmental ties and all.  Oh....and it's actually more than a strike now...the students have TAKEN the school.  

Some things that I'm looking forward to are:
1. My birthday....which is exactly ONE week from today! WOoooOOoooOOOoOoOoOOO!  I was planning on making treats to take to class that day, as I NEVER got to do that as a little girl and always wanted to....but looks like I still won't be able to as the university will still be 'taken' by the students.  I'll celebrate my birthday on the 19th, Father's Day, with my host family.
2. We are moving and my host family.  We're moving just a couple blocks down to an apartment on the second floor instead of the fourth as my host mom can't walk up and down so many stairs. The apartment will be so much nicer too!  It will have two bathrooms instead of one and will have three bedrooms instead of two!  It will also have a complete living room AND dining room, instead of just one space for the both.  We're planning on moving on the 25th and 26th of June.
3. My birthday host mom wants me to have a party in the house and to invite all my friends.  It's going to work out great as we will be in the new apartment and will have so much more space.  I have a feeling that we're going to have to invade the entire apartment as I'm going to want to invite 30 friends! HA!  Actually....I think I'll have to make the list that we all fit!  hahaa!  The date of my party will be July 2nd.
4. July 4th!!!  Wooo!!  My friend, Breann, and I want to have a 4th of July party here in Chile!  USA! USA! USA! hahaha!!  We'll see what happens!
5. I actually am excited to come home and to be with my family and friends again....and it is one of the things I'm looking forward to.  It just stinks that it has to be combined with saying good bye to my family and friends  here in Chile...making the entire experience quite, well, bitter sweet.

In general, I'm looking ahead to the future....but at the same time, living in the present, and trusting God with the plans He has for me.  I have peace in knowing that the plans God has for me are good, perfect, and so much better than what I could possibly imagine, dream, or plan for myself.  Praise Him.

1 Corinthians 2:9

However, as it is written:
   “What no eye has seen,
   what no ear has heard,
and what no human mind has conceived”—
   the things God has prepared for those who love him—

Isaiah 64:4

Since ancient times no one has heard,
   no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides you,
   who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.

Well....that's all for now, folks!