Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Día del Niño en el campo!

Hola todos!  I hope this post finds you happy and well!

I feel like I have so much to catch you all up on...I'll do my best not to bore you. :P

This past weekend I spent Saturday and Sunday at my host sister's house in Villa Alemana (a small town just outside of Viña del Mar).  It's basically like a suburb...but a bit smaller.  I got to spend Día del Niño with my little nieces and nephew plus the other neighbor kids!  Fun times!  Also, let me clear this up for you, "Día del Niño" means "Kid's Day"....just like Mother's Day or Father's Day.  Chile also has Kid's Day!  What lucky kids!  Why don't the States have this special day?!  At first I was like..."what?! the kids get another day to get spoiled! so not fair!"....then....a neighbor came over to the house to give my little relatives gifts and said something like, "Well, you know that kids are gifts to us so it's just right to give them gifts on this special day!"  So cute!

proof of this wonderful day
Meet Samuel (Sammy) y Estefania (Estefy).  We went to a plaza (park) on Sunday to celebrate their special day!  And of course I played with them.  Let's just say I was the biggest kid on the playground that day.
There were also "exercise machines" in the plaza...but...I don't think they did much.  (Gabe, this doesn't even compare to P90X or better yet...P90GABE.)
My personal trainer: Sammy!
Demonstrating the newest exercise on the market....turning wheels while wearing roller blades! hahhaa!
I was way too big for that platform...Estefy and I playing tictactoe.
Here are all my nieces/nephew...Estefy, Sammy, and Cami!  My gift to them on this special day: SILLY BANDS from the States!  They loved them!
Then we ate a delicious lunch that my host dad made...look he's still wearing his apron!
We jumped a lot of rope this weekend.  So much fun!  Learned a lot of new jumping-rope-songs in Spanish.  [Note to self: don't jump rope right after stuffing your belly with foooooood!]
Estefy instructed me to make the peace sign....much cooler that way. hehehe!

It was a great day with the sun shining bright!  These last couple days have been kind of gloomy...very sun...and cold.  Bekah, I've been getting the drippys so often!  I think of you whenever I get them.  Isn't that lovely?!?! eh?! heheheheh!


  1. Hola!

    Día del Niño sounds like something you should bring back to the states :)

    I bet the kids loved playing with you and doing P90X/P90GABE (lol)

    looks like you are having a blast!

    you are so pretty!

    thanks for sharing sis :)

  2. DRIPPPIIIEESS!!!! awwww how kind of you to think of me when liquid mucus is flowing out of your nostrils :) hahaha in all seriousness, I really do appreciate it though, baby cakes!!!
    So were you not included in "Kid's day"?? Because you're kinda like your host parents' kid right?? I really like that blue sweater, btw. Looks good on you :)
