Tuesday, May 17, 2011

you learn something new everyday

So....I'm not JUST learning SPANISH here...

1st Semester:
I've learned some Chilean dances (one being La Cueca, Chile's national dance):
(I unfortunately don't have a picture of myself)

With the help of mom's recipe and loving advice -- I've learned how to make an apple pie on my own: 

...and then eat it on the beach (that part not on my own though).

I've almost learned how to surf:
...I never could stand up on the board, even though I tried very hard.

I've learned how to throw a 'trompo' (Chilean top): 
...not very well (if you click on the photo to enlarge it, you can notice that it's going to land wrong on the ground...but it was SO worth it as I got to keep the trompo! haha! yay for free souvenirs!)

In class, I learned how to scale a natural rock wall with rope pulley system thing:
I've learned how to jump...or at least how to show off that skill...haha:

And here's a video too!: Diane Jump  <--click link (I hope this works!)

For new years...I learned how to stay out all night:
(which was especially difficult for me! haha!)

While in the north of Chile, I learned how to eat a copao (cactus fruit) and get it all over me...hehehe:

With my best friend, Fran, I've learned how to shop at the fruit and veggie market:

I love, you, FRAN!!

Estafanía, my Chilean niece, taught me how to make flowers out of real petals:

She made sure to only use petals that had already fallen from the flowers!  So eco friendly!
2nd Semester:
My friend, Felipe, taught me how to make pie de limón (Chilean Lemon Pie):
(And I taught him how to make American Chocolate Chunk Cookies!)
I've learned how to be a flaite...in other words, a Chilean gangsta:
My chilean twin, Andrés, and my best friend, Cony, and me.

My host mom and I learned how to make homemade alfajores as I wanted to make them for my dear friend, Cony, for her birthday (they're cut up in this picture): 

What they should really look like. 

And to top it all off, most recently I have learned to andar en moto...aka...ride a motorcycle: click here for a quick video --> Diane Bikie
My friend, Pablo, 'La Gorda' (the motorcycle's name is 'the fatty' as it has 'XL'  printed on it...hahhaa!), and me.
Now...these are all things that I have learned to DO...but let me tell you, I have learned way way way wayyyyy more than just these simple verb-type-things.  God has been teaching me so much about Himself, myself, and my relationship with Him.  He has been faithful.  ...and the best part of it all: there's still a LOT more left to learn...not only in Chile...but for the rest of our lives! WOO!!!  God is sooo good, eh?  One thing I realize through writing this blog is that in order for one to learn, one must also be willing to be taught -- to be molded -- to be led -- to persevere.  For example: I've learned a few things, but they still need practice in order to perfect them.  OR  Sometimes it takes some courage to take the first step.  OR  Many things can only be done once you get rid of your pride.  Learning Spanish (and any language really) means getting rid of your pride...means messing up.  But you know what, that's okay!! :)  Spanish is just one of the many things that I'm learning how to perfect here in Chile!

Well...that's all for now, folks!

P.S. OH!  I thought this was funny...but I'm not sure if all of you who read this will:  My friend, Becky, from back home pointed out after I had told her that I've been in Chile for more than nine months now that I could have had a baby already without anybody back home knowing!  HAHA!  Good news: that did not happen.



  1. Tienes mucho mas que aprender chiquilla loca!!!!!!

    nunca olvides como ser flaite , puede salvar tu vida algun dia jajjajaja

    No hagas el countdown... no pensemos en cuanto falta para que no estes, sino pensemos en lo bien que lo pasamos y cuanto te queremos ahora que estas con nosotros

    Diane, eres bkn


    y tus galletas son las mejores del planeta

    abrazo :D

  2. siiiii tengo demasiado que aprender todavia!! :) que emocionante!!! cierto?!!?! jejeje!

    nunca voy a olvidar como ser flaite. gracias a Chile.

    y no noy a hacer el countdown. noooo lo quieroooo!!

  3. Hahaha...what Becky said...that's hilarious. and SO true!! a;lskdfja;lskdhfakshdf

    I think you know which picture is my FAV
    "And to top it all off..."
    Yes, that does top it all..

    Oh, except for the surfing one. "I almost surfed once..." hahahaha!!! I can't wait til Eddie and you are both back and we can all have at it....
